Hey all,
We've had some controversy in the past on people trading draft picks in this league.
Situation #1: Sean has the #1 pick but owns AD, who he might like to keep. Can he trade 1st round picks with someone, picking up something else in return, and still protect AD with a late 1st round pick? What if he trades for another 1st round pick; can he keep Davis with the later 1st pick, and leave the #1 overall pick open?
My take - yes, Sean can keep Davis later in the 1st as long as the trades are made before the keeper deadline. Once Saturday arrives, players are LOCKED IN to the pick where they were kept at that point.
Situation #2: I have one of the latest picks in round 2 and Clint/Intimidators plans to keep Simmons in round 2. Could he and I trade 2nd round and 7th round picks? I would pick earlier in round 2, he would pick earlier in round 7, but neither of us really gives up anything in the deal because I will be keeping Fred VanVleet in round 7, Is that type of trade allowed?
My take - yes, if it is agreed on prior to the keeper deadline. Once that happens, players are LOCKED IN to the pick where they were kept.
I'd like to hear from others on this issue before it comes up this season.
Thanks John. I'm for it but didn't want to step on any toes. Thanks.