Are we doing the Keepers in Yahoo this year?
When are we going to see the draft order?
Life has been busy. I will do my best to get the draft order out tonight. Thanks for being patient, but also for poking me to get it done!
Yes, we will still have the five keepers as usual.
To make sure everyone sees this:
The draft order was set randomly by Yahoo. First live pick is what Yahoo calls round 6 because the keepers go in rounds 1-5, so the order is:1. Jdubbbasebal...2. Why me?3. Stumpdiggers4. Boba Chette5. Bird6. ShamRocks �...7. $hoTime8. Stepping Razor9. It Burnes Wh...10. Acuña Matata11. Joe Shlabotnik12. Special ED �...13. Trader D14. Spankers15. Westtown Des...16. Los Destinos...
KEEPERS - I'd like those by the end of Wednesday. Once I get them entered in the system, we can start drafting live as we did last year. Remember that trading is allowed/encouraged during the offline portion of the draft. I'll update any keepers/picks as I can get to them. But once keepers are entered, those players stay locked in the grid and you lose all rights to anyone you owned last year but did not keep.
I imagine we can just use this thread to post the 5 keepers.
Juan Soto
Michael Harris
Ezequiel Tovar
Josh Jung
Tyler Glasnow
For anyone not following the league chat - I asked about pushing it all back a week and just dropping the Tokyo games so we have more time to prepare and more time for spring training to play out (injuries, battling for roles, etc.) and for hot stove trading.
New keeper deadline Wednesday March 19th.
Draft date TBD, either Monday or Tuesday March 24/25 seem likely as I have a conflict on the 26th. I'm thinking the 25th so we have one more day for offline drafting.